
Stella glow song magic
Stella glow song magic


Babies Ever After: Alto and Hilda have a baby girl together in her ending.Luckily averts carrying out her life as such if Alto chooses her ending. She even vouches to take the punishment for her subordinates as well. The Atoner: After her Heel≯ace Turn, Hilda holds herself responsible for all of the Harbingers' crimes.And Man Grew Proud: Humanity was punished for its arrogance by removing all singing talents and abilities, leaving only Witches able to sing.This also has an effect of encouraging the player to exploit Level-Up Fill-Up to shift the flow of battle. Anti-Grinding: Characters gain drastically reduced XP when attacking or killing an enemy below their level, making it difficult to level beyond the enemies the player is expected to encounter.Amnesiac Hero: Alto has no memories other than his three years living in Mithra.Chapter 10, however, requires visiting regions from all major parts of the land, including a brand-new one (a crater) in order to complete a plot-critical Fetch Quest that holds the key to defeat the Final Boss. All the Worlds are a Stage: Each numbered chapter takes place, and its Mission Time phases are developed, in either one of the four cardinal directions of the overworld map, or Lambert City.Veronica, the last Technolomy, having lived 5000 years after Mother Qualia destroyed her entire civilization, even has her hometown listed as "London" while no other character has a hometown corresponding to any real world location.


  • After the End: The Technolomies are heavily implied to have been an extremely advanced society much like our own who eventually destroyed themselves by discovering how to convert emotional energy into physical energy and misusing it.
  • Absurdly High Level Cap: The level cap is 99, but the recommended level for the final mission is 41 with most characters learning their final skill at 35 Although Alto will not learn his last skill until Elcrest is defeated.
  • Stella Glow provides examples of the following: A demo of the complete prologue is also available. The game was released in Japan in June 2015, North America in November 2015, and Europe in March 2016. As such, it features an All-Star Cast of popular voice actors and singers. A unique aspect of this game is the Conduct system, in which Witches can sing songs that grant powerful effects such as healing the entire party or stopping enemies from moving.


    Stella Glow is a Strategy RPG for the Nintendo 3DS and the swan song of Image Epoch, being the final game they made before closing, as well as a Spiritual Successor to their well-known Luminous Arc series of Strategy RPGs. Can Alto and the 9th Regiment unite the Witches to stop Hilda from using her Song of Ruin to destroy the world? As the only survivors of the attack, Alto and the newly-awakened Water Witch Lisette join the 9th Regiment of the Royal Knights, a group led by handsome warrior Klaus dedicated toward finding Regnant's Witches and stopping Hilda's nefarious plans.

    stella glow song magic

    But then Hilda reveals herself to be the dreaded Witch of Destruction, and uses her song to crystallize Alto's village.

    stella glow song magic

    One morning he wakes up hearing a beautiful song and upon investigating finds a Witch calling herself Hilda. Alto was just a simple hunter for his village without his memories, living with his adoptive sister Lisette and her mother.

    Stella glow song magic