Do we develop astrology or writing? Currency, or mining? Mining can, of course, lead to bronze working, weapons and science, whilst going for trade and currency could make your nation an essential and terrifying economic force in the world. You build up your nation with initially small, seemingly inconsequential choices. All of these are equal options, and all of them can lead to you winning. Maybe even a peaceful religious country where you simply wish to spread the word of your faith. Or perhaps you'd prefer a militaristic nation, bent on ruling the world by force. Starting from your first settlement and some warrior men with clubs, moving onto an interconnected nation spanning continents, complete with scholars and science.
But I'm assuming this will be more portable for you.īut let's say you're a Switch fan with no previous experience with Civilization - what is it, and where do you start? Simply, Civilization VI is a game where you simulate the creation and interaction of the human race. Unless you have an incredibly powerful laptop, of course. I would go as far as saying it’s the best portable Civilization, or even Civilization-like, experience you will find on a portable device. Here, Civilization VI isn't hampered by its control scheme and is instead enhanced by it. Which is actually exactly why Civilization VI works so damn well on the Nintendo Switch. A touchscreen, however, is a much more direct input method - though, even that isn't necessarily the most accurate, and multi-touch gestures can be both difficult to memorise and awkward to pull off correctly. Flicking across the hexagonal grid with an analogue stick just isn't what this game was made for. The control system of the game is built for a mouse, primarily, and some keyboard shortcuts. But now Civilization VI has come to Nintendo Switch, and it's the first time the primarily PC series has landed on a dedicated game console.Īnd if you've played Civilization, it's easy to see why.
I've even played it on a Windows 10 tablet and an iPad, finally taking the Civilization experience with me wherever I went. I played it on my PC in 4K resolution and a criminally small UI. I played it on my laptop many years ago with slightly dodgy framerates. From the inception of my first city to my inevitable hostile global takeover, Civilization always feels like an incredible ride from start to finish. There are few games that can keep me endlessly clicking like Civilization.