
Call to arms stormsong valley turn in
Call to arms stormsong valley turn in

The stories of G'huun and the Zandalari trolls, and Queen Azshara and the Kul Tiran humans made me look forward to seeing what happens next in Battle for Azeroth as they deal with their own troubles on the new continents and the war between the Horde and Alliance ramps up. And I'm glad I did, because getting both perspectives on the war made the stories that much better. Not only that, I made an Alliance character for the first time in 13 years that I didn't consider a joke just to see the Alliance side of the story. The Horde story was so good, in fact, that for the first time in any WoW expansion I decided to finish up all the quest lines immediately before moving onto end-game content.

call to arms stormsong valley turn in call to arms stormsong valley turn in

Bwonsamdi in particular, the loa of death (kind of like a god of death) in Zandalar, is such a great, animated character. G'huun is the focus of the fist expansion's raid, and Queen Azshara is the focus of the second raid, both of which are not yet released.īoth storylines are incredibly compelling and filled with great characters that are actually memorable beyond their attachment to plot development - something that WoW hasn't always been so great at achieving. The Alliance side of things had some heavier references to to the war, at least in the portions I played, with one scenario in Stormsong Valley where a fleet of Horde aggressors bombed a town.Īs that is going on in the background, each side faces a unique sort of threat: The Horde are fighting against the rising threat of an evil Old God creature named G'huun, and the Alliance are working to unseat the corrupt leaders of Kul Tiras who've been tainted by the evil Queen Azshara. Except for all the times I had to mine Azerite to make sure my faction was the leader in the Azeroth version of a nuclear arms race. While the expansion kicks off with heavy references and scenes of this war, leveling through the Horde side of the new content it barely came up again. The separation of the two factions was refreshing and reminded me of leveling through vanilla WoW with unique zones given to each side (at least at the beginning). The biggest backdrop of Battle for Azeroth is the budding of a war between the Horde and the Alliance, two opposing factions that have more or less been on the same side of various struggles for a number of years. The storyline through all of it, no matter where it took me, had a consistent set of backdrops that propelled me forward and kept me interested in seeing what was going to happen next.īoth storylines are incredibly compelling and filled with great characters Leveling through Zuldazar, Voldun, and Nazmir in Zandalar was a lot of fun, with twists and turns and genuinely entertaining quests popping up along the way. What does the WoW Reddit think of Stormsong Valley? I’m curious to hear people’s opinions.Credit: blizzard entertainment Stellar storiesīlizzard Entertainment has always done a great job of crafting progression systems in a way that's incredibly satisfying, and Battle for Azeroth is no exception.

#Call to arms stormsong valley turn in full#

The area literally floods you with the stupidest and most useless quests ever (part from the bee section, that was pretty cool) and I seriously wanted to end it all while struggling to slog through it with my mate, I’m not sure how this is acceptable considering we not only paid full price for this expansion but we also pay a monthly subscription which not many mmos do anymore. You then go on for hours and hours of useless fetch quests and random quests that have no cohesion to them at all, doing the rest of Stormsong Valley literally sucked any joy I had while playing BFA and I’m considering playing as horde for a bit just to get rid of that nasty aftertaste. Okay just to set the record straight, I think the questing and story of the area is pretty good for the first 40% or so, however after completing 4 chapters and with the main story somehow already finished you get left with 60% of the map undiscovered.

Call to arms stormsong valley turn in